Monday, August 23, 2010

First Post

dun dun dun dun....!

I have been wanting to combine a blog with my new etsy shop, under one official name with everything linked so all of my endeavors don't feel so scatter brained.

For all of you who didn't find your way to my blog from the shop, it is: here! 
Unfortunately the store name was created last summer, when I intended on it being mostly handmade goods...but now that I plan on it being almost entirely vintage clothing and accessories, Lola May seemed a better fit. I stuck "by nichole" on the end of the banner so clear up some confusion. 

Lots more to come, store and blog wise! I have been on two very successful hauls and have loads of new dresses, etc to clean up, photograph and list!

(The above photograph is one that I took a few weeks ago. My current photo project, inspired by Nabokov's Lolita, as well as my own childhood, is the inspiration for the name Lola May)

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